At job site surveillance we offer surveillance camera solutions for all your surveillance needs.
- Live Monitored Intrusion detection camera systems: Self powered and transmit video over the wireless phone network. This camera system is designed to prevent after hour theft and vandalism on job sites. Our system receives priority police response, due to video verification. We don’t require you to purchase any equipment or sign any contracts.
- Job site progress cameras: Unlike many other job site progress cameras, our cameras are solar powered and don’t require any electricity or expensive generator to power them. Providing time lapse images or live video monitoring, you can check on your job site at anytime from any internet enabled device. Time lapse images can be transmitted via the wireless phone network or wifi. Live video monitoring requires a wifi connection. We don’t require you to purchase any equipment. All equipment is included in your monthly service fee. We offer month to month service, 6 month agreements, and 12 month agreements to help reduce costs for long term jobs.
- CCTV: Our CCTV systems can be set up to monitor and record job site activities or we can permanently install a CCTV system in your own building or any building being built. These systems are hard wired and require a ethernet connection for remote viewing via your wireless phone or any other device with an internet connection. No equipment purchase is required for job site CCTV systems. Equipment purchase is required for permanent installed CCTV systems.
For more information on any of our surveillance camera products and services please call us at 919-69-5633 or complete the form on our contact page.